Park Place Seniors Living’s Partnership with Medline on the Skin Care Champion Program

At Park Place Seniors Living, we understand the critical importance of skin health for our residents. Our skin acts as the first line of defence against infections and other external threats. Maintaining healthy skin is paramount to ensuring our residents’ safety and overall well-being. To enhance our commitment to superior care, we have collaborated with Medline to launch an innovative Skin Care Champion Program. This program aims to elevate the clinical confidence of our nursing staff in assessing and managing skin health issues, ultimately leading to happier and healthier residents.

The Importance of Skin Health in Senior Care

Skin health is often overlooked, yet it plays a vital role in maintaining the overall health of our residents. Healthy skin is essential for preventing infections, managing chronic conditions, and improving the quality of life for seniors. Unfortunately, age-related changes and medical conditions can compromise skin integrity, making seniors more susceptible to issues such as pressure ulcers, wounds, and infections. Recognizing these challenges, Park Place Seniors Living is committed to providing comprehensive skin care to safeguard our residents from detrimental health effects.

Introducing the Skin Care Champion Program

The Skin Care Champion Program, developed in collaboration with Medline, is a pioneering online initiative designed to empower our nursing staff with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage skin health issues. This program consists of 23 detailed modules covering various aspects of skin care, including advanced wound care, repositioning, patient cleansing, and continence care.

Leaders of Park Place Senior Living and Medline making a difference in seniors help. Text on the image says "Together gets us there"

Modules and Learning Objectives

  1. Advanced Wound Care: This module provides nurses with the tools and techniques to manage chronic wounds effectively. It emphasizes innovative wound care technologies that are accessible and affordable, ensuring that our caregivers are equipped to handle the most challenging cases.
  2. Advanced Skin Care: Nurses learn to delve deeper into the intricacies of skin health. This module covers a comprehensive portfolio of skin care products, educating staff on how to achieve desired skin health outcomes for our residents.
  3. Repositioning and Offloading: Effective repositioning and offloading techniques are crucial in preventing pressure ulcers and other related complications. This module educates staff on best practices from the moment a patient enters a care setting, ensuring proactive measures are in place.
  4. Patient Cleansing: This module explores various patient cleansing options available through Medline Canada, teaching nurses the importance of maintaining skin hygiene to prevent infections and promote overall health.
  5. Continence Care: Continence care is an essential aspect of senior care. This module equips nurses with the knowledge and tools needed to provide dignified and high-quality continence care, reducing the risk of skin irritation and infections.

Empowering Nurses, Enhancing Resident Care

The Skin Care Champion Program is designed to boost the clinical confidence of our nurses, enabling them to assess and address skin issues with greater expertise and confidence. By investing in the education and training of our staff, we ensure that they are well-prepared to handle the unique challenges of skin care in a senior living environment. This not only enhances the quality of care but also leads to happier and healthier residents. Families can see the positive difference in their loved ones, knowing that they are receiving the best possible care.

Medline’s Role in Senior Care

Medline‘s commitment to senior care extends beyond providing high-quality products. They are dedicated to supporting clinicians through education and innovative solutions. Their comprehensive approach to skin health includes advanced wound care, repositioning, patient cleansing, and continence care, all of which are integral to our Skin Care Champion Program.

Medline’s products are trusted in hospitals and now, through our collaboration, they are readily available in our local community home healthcare settings. Together, we bring quality and cost-effective products to enhance mobility, safety, and care outcomes for our residents. Our partnership ensures that Park Place Seniors Living is equipped to meet the clinical and financial challenges of providing exceptional care.


The collaboration between Park Place Seniors Living and Medline is a testament to our shared commitment to improving the lives of seniors. The Skin Care Champion Program is just one example of how we are working together to elevate the standard of care. By providing our nursing staff with the tools and education they need to excel, we are ensuring that our residents receive the highest quality of care possible. As we continue to innovate and enhance our services, we remain dedicated to the well-being and happiness of our residents and their families.

To learn more about the Skin Care Champion Program and how we are transforming senior care at Park Place Seniors Living, contact us today. Together with Medline, we are making a difference in the lives of our residents.